Exploring Natural Remedies For Tooth Pain Relief

It is a common denominator that tooth pain is sure to come at the most inconvenient time depending on its severity, and can hamper most activities severely. Although it is always advisable to seek the services of a dentist, there are several natural remedies that one can apply to help alleviate the symptoms in the meantime. Some remedies that can be applied at home include clove oil, salt water gargles, and cold compresses which are easily available and most of the time yield positive results.
All these methods are not only useful in the alleviation of pain but also useful in avoiding the use of certain non-prescription drugs. In this article, you will find a few different natural ways to address tooth pain and manage pain until one can see a professional.
Understanding Tooth Pain: Common Causes and Symptoms
he toothaches may be caused by cavities, gum diseases, cracked teeth, or due to the receding gum line which poses different difficulties. The pain may be slightly throbbing to severe and stabbing to the extent that one cannot concentrate on everyday tasks. It is vital to distinguish between the cause and type of tooth pain, especially because this knowledge will determine the choice of a temporary solution. With these symptoms, it is easy to control the degree of discomfort until a professional dentist is called or until one is available to check the situation and ensure that the pain does not compound common dental issues.
Clove Oil: A Traditional Remedy for Tooth Pain
Clove oil needs special attention because the main component of clove oil – eugenol has analgesic properties due to the anesthetic effect of clove oil acting precisely on the area. Also, it has antibacterial characteristics that can be useful to fight bacterial infections that might be originating or aggravating the pain. This could be very relieving, especially for those people who need to soothe their toothache for a few hours before they can see a dentist.
Saltwater Rinse: An Effective, Easy Home Solution
It is quite surprising that one of these proven practices that are very safe is the simple practice of rinsing the mouth with salt water. The salt acts therapeutically, thus reducing inflammation and healing somewhat irritated tissues taking away the bacteria, which is the cause of pain. Although this simply involves rinsing the mouth with warm salt water, it helps to remove debris and at the same time acts as an irritant to minimize bacterial growth thus supporting faster healing.
Prescribed Pain Relieved Medicines
Sometimes the teeth hurt, they numb, then prescription medication comes in handy and reduces inflammation. These include ibuprofen and acetaminophen as they have a function of reducing inflammation and relieving pain. There is the risk of side effects relating to the dosage and thus the need to take the medication according to the recommended prescription and without fail seek the assistance of a doctor.
Due to this, many individuals opt to buy these drugs from websites that sell drugs for sale online. However, the shopper must ensure that the online pharmacies are real and do retail the authentic products. Some recommended sources include the WHO guidelines for safe and effective pain management until proper professional dental care can be sought.
Cold Compress: Quick Relief for Toothache
The use of a cold pack on the outside of the cheek offers relief to toothache and reduces inflammation as well. Cold temperatures decrease the supply of blood that flows in them thus minimizing pain and inflammation. This method is useful in cases of toothache produced by an injury, trauma, or inflammation of a specific area. For example, place ice or a cold pack inside a cloth and then press it on the aching cheek for about fifteen to twenty minutes. Performing this every few hours will give great relief and can assist in minimizing pain to a significant degree when professional dental assistance is unavailable.
Peppermint Tea Bags: A Soothing Option for Pain Relief
Tea bags used to prepare mint tea are very effective to be used for handling toothache as the mint bag in the tea contains menthol and thus has a numbing effect. Menthol works by relieving pain and giving a refreshing feeling that gives one a break from suffering. Another method of employing peppermint tea bags for tooth pain is to immerse the bag in hot water like any ordinary tea, then dip it in cold water for the solution to cool down.
After the tea has cooled, the tea bag should be placed directly on the painful areas for approximately twenty minutes. This natural concoction is easy to prepare – and it can ease the pain as well as give a fresh, minty feeling that makes it an ideal option for those who want an all-natural remedy for toothache.
Some home treatments including the use of clove oil, irrigation with salt water, application of cold compress, and use of peppermint tea bag on the affected side can only reduce the pain for a while. Nevertheless, all these stated methods cannot compensate for getting professional dental health services. To come up with a proper diagnosis and cure, a dentist needs to be visited to determine the root cause of tooth pain. If you have had chronic pain – don’t wait for it to go away; set an appointment with your dentist today.